Friday, June 17, 2011

Ravings on Foolery

Welcome, to the world of emotional foolery
World of heart’s rules-
vulnerable words
As hope the living clue.

Twisted by prudes
Fading, slightly and slowly is
the virgin truth!
Heart beats
(ah! my living clue).

Here he comes…
False, false, false-
And yet so true
Alas! the remaining clue of my life.

Gosh! I cry out aloud…

So caught me…

And no one is spared.


Tameka said...

Don't you just love how your heart just allows some people in all willy nilly and then you have to deal with the aftermath? Sigh... :-)

I have been there many times. I love how you worded this. Nicely done.

Roy Durham said...

just beautiful thank you and god bless

Irfanuddin said...

very well penned emotions by you here....

though poetry is never so easy for me....and personally when ever i try it becomes a prose in the end....but undoubtedly you are very good at it...:))

best wishes,

डा0 हेमंत कुमार ♠ Dr Hemant Kumar said...

Twisted by prudes
Fading, slightly and slowly is
the virgin truth!
Heart beats
(ah! my living clue).

Very touching and full of emotions....

Priyanka Singh said...

Brilliant shade of emotions expressed Nabo..,this is something well thought and from heart..,exceptional piece and intelligent writing :)

Nabanita Roy said...

Hey Tameka,
Very well said...yep! that's what I have been trying to do so far...follow my matter where it leads! :) Thanks!

Nabanita Roy said...

@Roy Durham,
Thank you for your appreciation and blessings.:)

Nabanita Roy said...


Thank you so much for your wishes and compliments!!! well,...poetry is sometimes tough to pen down, true!..never mind I am hoping to read a good piece of prose from you then! Creativity in any form rocks!

Nabanita Roy said...

@Hemant...yes they are indeed...very close to my heart! Thanks :)

Nabanita Roy said...

@Hemant...yes they are indeed...very close to my heart! Thanks :)

Nabanita Roy said...

@...thank you sweetheart :) had been trying to write it for quite sometime. finally made it!!! :)

PaushaliSahu said...

Beautifully articulated expressions Nira. I have never been able to fathom the source of these poetic delights, simple because I'm not a poet. I'm certain that this rhythmic journey of yours has a long path ahead, and its beautifully adorned with more such gems of your mindful creation.

Nabanita Roy said...

Thanks diya...ya i myself don't have any idea about these ideas or expressions for that matter...just a stream of thoughts collaborated and put down in words...and i wish this rhythmic journey never ends! I love to live in this world :)

Rimly said...

The heart can be so foolish. Beautiful poetry

Nabanita Roy said... always is...that what we love about it..thank you;)

bittu dey said...

beautifully composed...a definite delight to read...great work done....cheers!!!

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